Information for Residents.

Who owns and manages Rosewood Court?

The leaseholders of the 33 flats at Rosewood Court each own one share in the company called Tudor Residents (Kingston) Ltd. This company owns the freehold of Rosewood Court.

The Directors of Tudor Residents Ltd are volunteers appointed from amongst the flat owners. We oversee the management and maintenance of Rosewood Court. We have appointed Bury Hill Estate Management Ltd of Dorking to look after day-to-day operations and to provide our Company Secretary, who ensures that the company meets its legal obligations including filing financial accounts and company  returns to Companies House.

Our objectives are to maintain and improve the fabric of Rosewood Court, to manage the communal areas and gardens, and to uphold the conditions and obligations set down in the leases, so that the flats are a pleasant place to live and maintain their value.


What does 'leaasehold' mean? Someone buying a flat at Rosewood Court cannot buy the land underneath them, the structure of the building, the roof or the garden, as these are shared with other flats. They therefore buy a lease which entitles them to occupy their flat for as long as the lease is valid - up to 999 years.

Conditions of the leases must be observed by residents to make sure that people living close together have the quiet enjoyment of their homes.

The leases of Rosewood Court impose conditions which residents must observe. Below is a summary. For the complete legal version plese consult your lease.

The Directors hope that residents understand why  it is in everyone's interest to respect these conditions and we will do our best to encourage compliance. However, the conditions may ultimately be enforced by injunction or in the last resort termination of the lease, in which case ownership of the flat reverts to Tudor Residents (Kingston) Ltd without recompense.

No vehicle may be parked except in a garage or in the visitor parking spaces.

Floors must be carpeted.

Noisy household appliances must not be used between midnight and 0800 hours. This includes washing machines, TV's, radios and other sound systems. Reasonable precautions must be taken to deaden the sound of household appliances by the use of rubber/cork insulators.

Entrance and stairwells must be used as quietly as possible.

Nothing is to be stored in the stairwells or entrances of the flats.

Aerials or satellite dishes may not be put up. No washing or clothes are to be hung where they are visible to other residents.